Anticipated Project outcomes:

  • developing courses (including distance learning and electronic courses), which will combine best Ukrainian and US practices; 
  • conducting summer schools and study tours for exchanging students;
  • conducting series of online seminars and conferences;
  • as the result of collaborative project in Sustainable Development students, faculties and researches will gain new knowledge, methodology, instruments, math-methods, technologies and educational innovations;
  • multi-disciplinary Fulbright scholars and university faculties’ collaborative SD-research efforts will encourage proper institutional design for environmentally sound development and sustainable economic restructuring, and human capacity building.


The main anticipated Project impact:

  • democratization of students’ mindset targeted to resolving future global problems of Sustainable Development;
  • elaborating students’ reflection as they will act as the future economic agents of transformation of Ukrainian social institutions under conditions of Global Sustainable Development Paradigm change;
  • educating Ukrainian Sustainable Development-oriented engineers to assist Ukrainian industries and businesses in transforming toward sustainability by using science, engineering, innovation, and education to drive technology, its application, decision-making and human resource development to positively impact the environment, customer value, quality of life, and the business bottom line;
  • producing a new human capital with Sustainable Development way of thinking that will be able to meet needs of democratic society with a market economy.

Additional information